HIV ကူးစက်ခံရသူများ၊ ၄င်းတို့၏သားသမီးများနှင့် ဆက်စပ်နေသူများအား ပညာရေးထောက်ပံ့မှုလုပ်ငန်းများ၊ပညာသင်ဆုထောက်ပံ့ရေးလုပ်ငန်း၊ အခြားပညာရေးဝန်ဆောင်မှုလုပ်ငန်းများနှင့် ချိတ်ဆက်ပြီး နှစ်စဉ်ပံ့ပိုးမှုများကို လုပ်ဆောင်လျက်ရှိပါသည်။
Fund Supported By

Technically Supported By

VOLUNTEER (Projects/Activities)
Phoenix Volunteer
Most of members performed as part time and full time volunteers in Phoenix at forming stage. Phoenix assumed that volunteer means person who never asks for profit while they are working for organization’s activities. But in that case, Phoenix has to pay respect them and not to lose their standard dignity so that organization has to provide the minimum allowance for Transportation.
Phoenix has four programs such as Social support, Care and Support, Income Generation and Advocacy/awareness/fund raising, to do so volunteer can be joined any program which they prefer and interest.
Volunteers in Care and Support program
As Phoenix has provided allowance for volunteers since 2005, at that time, Patient without caregivers couldn’t be attended at WeibargiHospital and there were 3 caregivers only who helped and accompanied as caregivers to support to patients who come from the poorest of poor families.
Those volunteers had only motivation to help others but they didn’t have any relevant skills in Health care. So that, with the technical and funding support from Organizations such as UNDP and MSF-Holland, needing training were provided to volunteers many times on.
Nowadays, there are 15 trained caregivers working at Mingalardon Special Hospital every day and night after moving Weibergi Hospital to there. During 2006 – 2013 there are over 1600 patients have been received Phoenix care service in Hospital, more than 900 patients from outside Yangon could stay temporary at Phoenix Shelters when they come for their treatment, 350 plus funeral service has done by Phoenix volunteers in Yangon.
Volunteers in Income Generation Program
At present, there are two main business activities (photo copying and garment) running in Income Generation Program. Volunteers can pay their time based on their interests at respective units such as at production, marketing, purchasing, accounting, etc …
Volunteers in other program
There are some volunteers working in several departments at Phoenix head office (HlaingTharYar), being as volunteers, they can take part and learn in Phoenix trainings and workshops so that they can become trainer or facilitator of Phoenix Association.